24Storage - ESG profile
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24Storage - ESG profile

Company activities The company’s development and implementation of its sustainability work is based on the UN's global goals for sustainable development. Goals no. 11 (Sustainable cities and Communities) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) are the key factors for 24Storage. The company employs an environmental focus when building properties as well as in its operations through the implementation of IoT (Internet of Things) and the use of sustainable energy sources.

Its property concept – storage space – is flexible in design, which allows for solutions that may not be suitable for other spaces. In 2019, the company started its implementation of an updated sponsorship and CSR strategy, which resulted in three sponsorship collaborations focused on voluntary social projects Risks and Opportunities The construction and real estate sector leaves a carbon footprint through the entire value chain, including the production of materials as well as building and managing properties. Other risks stated by the company include social and governance issues such as health and safety, corruption, bribes and human rights violations.

The company has the opportunity to affect the entire value chain by imposing sustainable requirements on suppliers and their operations.

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