INVISIO - Feedback from ABGSC Investor Days
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INVISIO - Feedback from ABGSC Investor Days

Customer activity picking up in conjunction with… …COVID-19 lockdown easing, large orders to follow The V-Series Gen II platform sets new standard First large order in 8 months announced on 5 May Today we hosted CEO Lars Höjgård Hansen on the ABGSC Investor Days, where Mr. Hansen offered an update on the business, focusing on the recent pick-up in market activity following COVID-19 lockdown easing and Invisio’s recent launch of the new V-Series Gen II platform. As was reported in association with the Q1’21 report Mr. Hansen saw the market activity picking up towards the end of the quarter, especially in the U.

S. Today this was further confirmed by Mr. Hansen, and that the market activity had also picked up in European markets, throughout Invisio’s business segments.

This was further confirmed by Invisio on 5 May, when the company announced its first new large order in 8 months, as Invisio received an order of SEK 40m from an existing customer from within the U. S. Department of Defense.

We expect Invisio to announced new sizeable orders Looking ahead we think the recent order from the U. S. Department of Defense is the start of a string of larger orders.

Mr. Hansen has mentioned that Invisio experienced several order delays throughout 2020 due to COVID-19, but that the orders were not lost. We estimate that we will continue to see announcements of sizeable orders over the coming months in conjunction with further easing of COVID-19 lockdowns.

V-Series Gen II: New platform for advanced communication In other news Mr. Hansen described its recently launched product platform, the Invisio V-Series Gen II. The product is a much-enhanced version of Invisio’s older platform, and has been developed in association with Invisio’s customer base.

Mr. Hansen believes that the platform sets a new standard for audio communication and hearing protection within the defense and public safety markets. Initially sales of the product will likely by driven by custome.

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