Vitrolife - Igenomix acquisition outshines Q2 details
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Vitrolife - Igenomix acquisition outshines Q2 details

Q2’21 as preannounced – CER growth 94% Acquisition could add ~50% to ’22e EBITDA ‘22e pro forma EV/EBITDA of 58x Global IVF market back at pre-pandemic levels On 15 July, Vitrolife released its full Q2’21 report, which was broadly in line with the pre-announced figures. Sales grew by 94% (CER) and totalled SEK 382m (13% above ABGSCe), corresponding to ~6% growth (CER) versus Q2’19. The growth in the quarter was driven by a recovery in the global IVF market to 2019 levels but also market share gains. The performance across markets is mixed, with Japan and the US now ahead of pre-pandemic levels, while China broadly is on par.

Regions such as Latin America and Southeast Asia, as well as IVF tourism markets, are still behind. All product categories saw a strong comeback versus Q2’20 with particularly strong growth in Genomics, which had a negative mix effect on the gross margin at 62. 1% (ABGSCe 64.

3%). Reported EBITDA of SEK 134m was negatively impacted by exceptional transportation and acquisition costs, driving an adj. EBITDA of SEK 148m (13% above ABGSCe) for a margin of 38.

7% (ABGSCe 38. 8%). Igenomix acquisition could increase EBITDA by ~50% in ’22e Vitrolife has signed an agreement to acquire Igenomix, a global reproductive genetic testing company.

The firm’s main diagnostics tests help select the right embryo (PGT-A) and determine the optimal time for implantation (ERA). It has sales from 80 countries and operates 26 laboratories. Igenomix has grown by a CAGR of 28% over the last four years and could add around 78% to sales and 50% to EBITDA in ‘22e.

The total price tag of EV ~SEK 12. 7bn corresponds to an LTM EV/Sales of 13x and EV/EBITDA of 50x and will be financed with new shares and debt. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval, expected in Q4’21.

Currently trading at ’22e pro forma EV/EBITDA of 58x We have not added Igenomix to our estimates but we have increased our Vitrolife ’21e-‘23 EBITDA estimates by 4-8% following the report. On a.

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