Christian Berner Tech Trade - ESG profile
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Christian Berner Tech Trade - ESG profile

Risk and opportunities CBTT is a trading group comprised mostly of distribution companies. As such, the company is dependent on suppliers fulfilling their obligations. To mitigate this supply-chain risk, CBTT has long-term relationships with leading suppliers, where quality is of the utmost importance. CBTT has ongoing dialogues with suppliers to address potential supplier issues and subsequent activities.

Requirements concerning reduced environmental impact are growing. Within these areas, CBTT’s products and systems have the opportunity, directly or indirectly, to improve environments that affect people. As well as the environmental benefits, the company’s technical solutions also create economic benefits for customers, e.

g. through greater efficiency and lower raw material costs. ESG activities In its operations, CBTT promotes environmentally sustainable development with environmental awareness throughout the transaction chain, from supplier to customer.

The company takes a holistic view centred on business ethics, the environment, human rights and the company’s future. CBTT complies with the UN Global Compact, ILO and OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises and the international conventions relevant to the company. The company has created a framework for its sustainability work, consisting of three parts: partners for sustainable value creation (Environment), attractive workplace (Social) and a credible partner (Governance).

Each part of the framework includes a diverse set of specific targets where the level of fulfilment is presented each year.

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