GOMspace - ABGSC’s Investor day seminar feedback
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GOMspace - ABGSC’s Investor day seminar feedback

CEO Niels Buus presenting at ABGSC’s seminar Focus on securing new customers Bright outlook for the overall nanosatellite market Current projects fueling GomSpace’s technical acumen GomSpace is currently working on several highly advanced projects, including the Juventas (1x 6U’s to launch in 2022 to explore the Didymos asteroid system in deep space), GOMX-5 (2x 12 to launch in 2022 to prepare a communication system which will be competitive with much larger satelites) and the M-ARGO (1x 12U to launch in 2023 which include a stand alone navigation and will be looking at deep space in search of minerals). All of these projects help drive GomSpaces technology to a higher level, improving their competitiveness and fueling their long-term business plan of being able to provide highly customized satellites at lower costs, due to their “plug and play” concept, of taking different technologies they already have developed and putting them together to fit their customers specifications Current customers are focused on proving their business While the commercial customers are currently very focused on proving their business, as their investors are holding slightly back, to see the proof of commercial and financial, GomSpace is also working with in orbit demonstration customers, to provide some grounds with potential customers who will hopefully in the future turn into constellation customers. Continued focus on economic of scale The CEO is confident in the abilities of nanosatellites and the commercial potential they provide and are confident in the fact that GomSpace is in a good position to grow within the market. He however, also highlight that a key focus area will be to provide better economics of scale to their customers to be able to provide an improved commercial case for the use of nanosatellites, but as it is a rather new technology these improvements will happen continuously over time.

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