Adapteo will provide workers accommodation village at The Fehmarn Belt fixed link project, the company´s largest order so far
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Adapteo will provide workers accommodation village at The Fehmarn Belt fixed link project, the company´s largest order so far


Adapteo Plc Insider information 2 March 2021 at 4:55 p.m. CET

The company FLC Tunnel Group North I/S, appointed by the owner Femern A/S, which is responsible for the construction of the Fehmarn Belt tunnel that will link Denmark to the continent, has chosen Adapteo to provide facilities for the extensive FLC Village in Rødbyhavn, Denmark. The order is the largest in Adapteo’s history, and the company will supply adaptable buildings for accommodation and amenities of a total of 30,000 square meters, distributed on around 1,300 rooms. The rental period will start in June 2021 and is forecasted to end in 2027, with a total rental value of over EUR 17 million. 

The Fehmarn Belt tunnel project will be the world’s longest immersed rail and road tunnel with its 18 kilometres and is currently one of Europe’s most extensive infrastructure projects. The project is expected to create job opportunities for thousands of people, generating a great need for housing and recreation areas for labour connected to the project. Adapteo’s organisation in Denmark will be responsible for delivering and managing an extensive village of adaptable buildings in Rødbyhavn, Denmark, including everything from housing, reception, fitness and game rooms, barbershop, minimarket, locker rooms and canteens with a professional kitchen. The village is called FLC village and will contain 30,000 square metres of space, distributed on around 1,300 rooms. The rental period will start in June 2021 and is forecasted to end in 2027. Adapteo estimates that 30 percent of the total area of 30,000 square meters will be delivered in 2021. 

– Being part of this immense infrastructural project that connects parts of Europe, together with being able to secure a flexible way of offering high-quality housing and recreation areas for the people working on the project is, of course, something that we are very proud of. I am also pleased to see that we can expand our new and important worker accommodation customer segment yet further through this project, which is the largest contract in the history of Adapteo. This makes us feel both excited and humbled about the task ahead, says Philip Isell Lind af Hageby, President and CEO at Adapteo Group.

Femern Link Contractors, FLC, is a joint venture in charge of the design and construction of the 18 kilometres immersed tunnel between Denmark and Germany and is constituted by nine international civil works companies which all have individual experience in major infrastructure projects. During the design of the village, several considerations were made.

– Adapteo was chosen for the total solution we were offering and the good layout of our buildings. Together with FLC, we have developed and optimised the design to suit all needs for daily use, requested by the owner Femern A/S. We are happy with the excellent cooperation throughout the process, says Mads Blom, Managing Director at Adapteo A/S.

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