BoMill takes next step in development project with global player in the food industry
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BoMill takes next step in development project with global player in the food industry

BoMill AB and a market-leading global player in the food industry take the next step to deepen the cooperation in the ongoing development project. The results, so far, have met both parties’ expectations, including meeting the time schedule. The next phase in the project will be to intensify the development work, on a larger scale, with a mutual ambition to commercialize BoMill’s technology, in the already identified market segments.

Globally, finding new sustainable practices for the agricultural and food business is necessary to adapt to the emerging climate changes. In 2020, BoMill entered a development agreement with a global player in the food industry, based in the US (see note below). The collaboration partner is a multi-billion dollar company with a strong market position in grain products.

The aim of the development project is to evaluate how BoMill’s technology can be used in the partner's production to achieve more efficient practices and support the value chain. After promising results, the development project will be taken to the next phase, moving into a larger production scale.


Note: Press Release - December 4, 2020:

Bifogade filer

PR - BoMill - Update on development agreement - 2021-09-21

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