Talenom acquires the Swedish accounting firm R2 Redovisning Ab
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Talenom acquires the Swedish accounting firm R2 Redovisning Ab

Talenom Plc, press release 1 February 2023 16:30 EET

Talenom acquires the Swedish accounting firm R2 Redovisning Ab

Talenom Plc has agreed to acquire the entire share capital of R2 Redovisning Ab. The acquired business will be transferred to Talenom on 1 February 2023. R2 Redovisning Ab operates in Gothenburgh and Kungsbacka. The company provides accounting, payroll and advisory services mainly to SMEs.

The yearly net sales transferred to Talenom from the acquired business is approximately EUR 0.7 million. The company employs a total of seven persons who will continue to work for Talenom. In the short term, the acquisition will not have any significant impact on Talenom’s financial position or future outlook.

Talenom combines software development with expertise in the accounting industry in a unique way. The aim of the company is to grow both organically and through acquisitions in Finland and in Europe.

Further information:
Otto-Pekka Huhtala
CEO, Talenom Plc
+358 40 703 8554
[email protected]

Talenom in brief

Talenom is an agile and progressive accounting firm established in 1972. Our business idea is to make daily life easier for entrepreneurs with the easiest-to-use digital tools on the market and highly automated services. In addition to comprehensive accounting services, we support our customers’ business with a wide range of expert services, as well as financing, account and payment traffic services. Our vision is to provide superior accounting, account and payment traffic services for SMEs.

Talenom’s growth history is strong – average annual net sales growth was approximately 17% between 2005 and 2022. In 2022, Talenom’s net sales was some EUR 102 million and the company has more than 1,300 employees in Finland, Sweden, Spain and Italy at the end of the year. Talenom’s share is quoted on the Main Market of Nasdaq Helsinki. Read more: investors.talenom.com/en

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