Trophy Games Releases "Energy Manager" - Börskollen
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Trophy Games Releases "Energy Manager"

Get ready to strategize and manage your energy resources more dynamically than ever with the launch of "Energy Manager”, the latest addition to the acclaimed Transport Manager series. This innovative game is already capturing attention with more than 150,000 pre-registrations on Google Play and is now gearing up to expand its audience further.

Why "Energy Manager"?
Unlike traditional games, "Energy Manager" challenges players with real-world energy management scenarios, involving photovoltaic solar cells and hydrogen production through electrolysis. Imagine managing a grid where the average solar cell efficiency at 20% can yield a yearly production of 1,700 kWh per square meter, and converting this energy rather than storing it can produce up to 50kg of hydrogen. The strategic possibilities are extensive and rooted in real energy solutions.

Game Features:

  • Real-life Weather Integration: Experience how varying weather conditions affect your energy production, a groundbreaking feature that will also be integrated into the rest of the Transport Series.
  • Land Ownership: Adds a new strategic layer to forming alliances and managing resources, enhancing the end-game scenarios.
  • In-depth Gameplay: While targeting a niche audience, "Energy Manager" offers a rich, detailed gameplay experience, allowing players to explore deeper strategic elements than other titles in the series.
  • Extensive information about CO2 emissions from different energy sources teaches the player about real-life emissions and their impacts.


Fun Fact:
Did you know? Running "Energy Manager" on your smartphone consumes about 2 watts, so you can manage your energy empire for approximately 7 hours straight without recharging!

Moreover, to spark your imagination with the power of energy conversion: 1kg of U-235 can theoretically produce enough hydrogen to power a hydrogen car for 54 million kilometers. That’s the equivalent of driving to the moon and back 70 times, or about 18 million horsepower, enough to launch half a space shuttle into space!

Join us in pioneering the future of energy management with "Energy Manager," where your strategic decisions light up the world.

Investor Day:
Trophy Games will soon be hosting an investor day on May 23, 2024, at 17:00.
The event will take place at Trophy Games' office in Mikkel Bryggers Gade 4, Copenhagen, and include catering. 

Read more here:

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