Interview with Ahmed Mousa - The new CEO of Vicore Pharma - Börskollen
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Interview with Ahmed Mousa - The new CEO of Vicore Pharma

We interviewed Vicore's new CEO, Ahmed Mousa, on his background, why he joined Vicore, and his plans and visions for Vicore.

He shared his multidisciplinary background, including the biology tackled by Vicore's scientific platform. He also shared his thoughts on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as a disease and treatment landscape and C21's mechanism and clinical data. The information in this video should not be seen as an investment advice. Keep in mind that investments in securities always carry a risk.

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in securities can both increase and decrease in value and there is no guarantee that you will get back the amount invested. It is important to continuously monitor your holdings and if necessary take actions to reduce the risk of loss.

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