Flexion Mobile: Aims higher and secures long-term stability - ABG
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Flexion Mobile: Aims higher and secures long-term stability - ABG


Exciting deal with Scopely on improved terms
5 top tier titles have now been signed during 2021…
…and it will benefit Flexion in both 2022 and 2023

Flexion announced today that it has expanded its collaboration with a leading existing US game publisher. The new contract includes five existing games that was first announced in December 2018, a sixth top tier game that is currently under a sperate agreement and a brand-new top tier game, which according to Sensor Tower generated USD 10m to the publisher in August. This description fits Flexion’s existing game publisher Scopely where an original agreement from 2018 for five titles existed. Scopely later acquired Foxnext to whom Flexion had an agreement regarding the top tier game MARVEL Strike Force and the brand new titles that is included in the agreement looks to be Star Trek Fleet Command.

With this new deal Flexion now have signed 5 top tier games during 2021, 4 of which has been signed since June as the company also signed The Ants: Underground Kingdom from publisher StarUnion on 17 September. This is clearly a higher pace than we saw in 2020 and will lay the foundation for Flexion in the years to come as the average life span of a top tier game is roughly 5 years.

Länk till analysen i sin helhet: https://www.introduce.se/foretag/flexion-mobile/Equity-research/2021/9/flexion-mobile---aims-higher-and-secures-long-term-stability/

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