Scibase: Entering sunny California - Redeye - Börskollen
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Scibase: Entering sunny California - Redeye


Redeye views favorably the news that Scibase has entered into a collaboration with the Skin and Cancer Institute for a pilot test in some clinics in California. This dermatology network will be the first in California to use AI-based technology for skin cancer detection. This network has over 50 clinics across three states in the country’s west. (California, Arizona, Nevada). The entrance into this collaboration opens up possibilities in one of the larger markets in the US, which is exciting. It opens up Nevisense to new US payers, thus driving awareness. We view this positively as a natural growth opportunity in the future. We have expected that Scibase would expand in the US, with a new CEO with experience relating to that market and staffing up in general in the US operation. All in all, positive steps from Scibase on the significant US market.

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