Decisions of the Organisational Meeting of Harvia Plc’s Board of Directors
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Decisions of the Organisational Meeting of Harvia Plc’s Board of Directors


26 April 2024, at 4.00 p.m. EEST

Decisions of the Organisational Meeting of Harvia Plc’s Board of Directors

Heiner Olbrich was elected the Chair and Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén was elected the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at the Board of Directors’ organisational meeting that took place today after Harvia Plc’s Annual General Meeting.

Board of Directors elected from among its members Hille Korhonen (Chair), Anders Holmén and Markus Lengauer as members of the Audit Committee.

In addition, Harvia Plc’s Board of Directors decided to establish a Personnel and Remuneration Committee. The Committee’s task is to assist the Board of Directors in issues related to personnel and remuneration. The Board of Directors elected from among its members Heiner Olbrich (Chair), Olli Liitola and Catharina Stackelberg-Hammarén as members of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee.

Independence of the members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors assessed the independence of its members in accordance with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 for listed companies. All members of the Board of Directors are independent of the company and its significant shareholders.



For further information

Heiner Olbrich, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel. +49 171 339 1191

Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
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Harvia is one of the leading companies operating in the sauna and spa market globally, as measured by revenue. Harvia’s brands and product portfolio are well known in the market, and the company’s comprehensive product portfolio strives to meet the needs of the international sauna and spa market of both private and professional customers.

Harvia’s revenue totaled EUR 150.5 million in 2023. Harvia Group employs approximately 600 professionals in Finland, Germany, United States, Romania, China and Hong Kong, Austria, Italy, Estonia, and Sweden. The company is headquartered in Muurame, Finland, adjacent to its largest sauna and sauna component manufacturing facility.

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