Extraordinary General Meeting on September 20, 2021 in Inzile AB (publ)
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Extraordinary General Meeting on September 20, 2021 in Inzile AB (publ)

At the Extra General Meeting on September 20, 2021 in Inzile AB (publ), the following decisions were made in accordance with the proposals presented in the notice convening the Extra General Meeting which were held available on the company's website www.inzile.com.

The Annual General Meeting resolved:

  • The meeting resolved to approve the Company's acquisition of shares in QEV Tech Holdings S.L.
  • The meeting resolved to authorize the Board to decide on a new issue of a maximum of 33,759,717 shares. The right to subscribe for the shares shall only accrue to eFashion Championship PTE Ltd. Payment for subscribed shares shall be made in kind or by set-off. The authorization is valid until the Annual Shareholders Meeting 2022.
  • It was resolved, in accordance with the shareholder Ragnar Åhgrens proposal, to elect Håkan Örtenholm, Måns Sjöstedt and Leif Lindqvist as board members for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2022. Ragnar Åhgren was elected Chairman of the Board of directors.

It was noted that all decisions were unanimous.

For further information, please contact:

Ragnar Åhgren, Chariman of the Board Inzile, [email protected], +46 73 356 89 89

Peter Wergens, CFO, [email protected],  +46 73 325 75 04

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