Prolight Diagnostics: PoC troponin testing ready for next step - Emergers
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Prolight Diagnostics: PoC troponin testing ready for next step - Emergers


There has been a somewhat mixed news flow from Prolight after the close of Q1’24. The finalization of the cartridge design to be used on the commercial platform marks an important step in product development and opens up for assay performance evaluation. Prolight has also announced a positive SEK 5.6m revision to the FY’23 result stemming from understated claim on the UK tax authority regarding R&D. Additionally, the SEK 113m write down the capitalized development costs regarding troponin testing on the analogue POC system MicroFlex, is of course noteworthy but has no impact on cash flow and means no real changes to the case we’re seeing in the company’s digital POC system Psyros.

All in all, with proof-of-performance for its proprietary digital technique for detection of high-sensitive biomarkers even in whole blood, we now expect the company to continue it’s progress with prototype development and IVDR certification towards launch in 2026. This in turn should catalyze a revaluation that better reflects the long term prospects we’re seeing, where we continue to find support for a fair value of SEK 1.1 – 1.2 per share.

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