Betolar speeds up change in building materials standards

Betolar Plc
Press release
Betolar is contributing to the green transition in construction by helping to speed up the updating of standards for building materials. The aim is to influence standards to support the adoption of new building material technologies in construction.
"Today, environmental measures in buildings are strongly focused on achieving energy efficiency in use. However, emissions from building materials account for more than 40% of the total life cycle of a building. CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced through material choices, not only through the choice of energy sources during the use of buildings. The standards governing the use of materials must be made to support the introduction of new technologies," says Ville Voipio, Commercial Director at Betolar.
Betolar has become a member of the Alliance for Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete (ALCCC), an industry alliance promoting the use of low-carbon cement and concrete. The ALCCC works with the technically oriented Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS). ECOS is an international NGO with a network of members and experts who advocate for environmentally friendly technical standards, policies and laws.
"Standards are underpinned by a massive system of decision-making and oversight. The green transition in construction is only possible if new material technologies are accepted by all parties involved in the construction process. Change is only possible through a concerted effort. We want to bring our expertise and experience to the table," says Voipio.
“By adopting new performance-based standards, we have the chance to shift our attention from prescriptive measures to the results that really count - a smaller carbon footprint and better overall performance. Alternatives such as Betolar's Geoprime materials offer significant CO2 savings when compared to traditional concrete”, says Hassan Raad, R&D Director at Betolar Plc.
Construction and buildings are major contributors both to global warming and to the depletion of natural resources. The consequences of the environmental crisis are already visible. In the construction sector, there are new and effective circular economy solutions that can safeguard biodiversity while radically reducing CO2 emissions.
“It is great to see that innovators from within the industry are committed to speeding up the decarbonisation of cement and concrete through better standards and policies. Technology and innovations are there, but we need political will. Removing the barriers posed by standards will allow a cost-effective and fast cut of the sector’s emissions by half”, says Justin Wilkes, Executive Director at ECOS.
Betolar Plc
About Betolar:
Betolar Plc is a Finnish materials technology company that offers the production of sustainable and low-carbon concrete with the Geoprime solution. The solution converts industrial side streams into a cement substitute.
Betolar's artificial intelligence innovation can significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to traditional cement-based concrete production by optimizing existing manufacturing processes, supporting solution development with advanced analytics, and creating global markets for side streams. Betolar's mission is to help reduce CO2 emissions and the use of virgin resources.
Betolar was founded in 2016 and is domiciled in Kannonkoski, Finland. Betolar is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
About ECOS and the Alliance for Low-Carbon Cement & Concrete (ALCCC):
ECOS is an international NGO with a network of members and experts advocating for environmentally friendly technical standards, policies and laws. ECOS ensures the environmental voice is heard when they are developed and drives change by providing expertise to policymakers and industry players, leading to the implementation of strong environmental principles.
The Alliance for Low-Carbon Cement & Concrete (ALCCC) was created to steer the sector towards viable decarbonisation pathways. Our members represent mature materials designers and producers, and start-ups working in biotechnology, capturing carbon, and sustainable construction.
Rooted in the circular economy and sustainable construction, we share the desire to change our industry – and prevent catastrophic climate change.
Alliance members are Arup, Betolar, Biomason, C2CA, Carbon Re, Cemvision, Colas, Concrete4Change, Ecocem, ecoLocked, ECOS, EEB, Fortera, Greenmade, Hoffman Green Cement, Materrup, NoMAD, ResourceFull, Sublime Systems, TerraCO2, and 3Béton. The Alliance is supported by Breakthrough Energy.
More information:
Martta Valkola, Head of Marketing and Communications, +358405471981, [email protected]