PolarCool expands the market by investing in new cost-effective and patentable products together with CoolPrevent
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PolarCool expands the market by investing in new cost-effective and patentable products together with CoolPrevent

PolarCool AB (publ) is investing in new, more cost-effective and patentable products for single use. The investment is made in collaboration with BrainCool's subsidiary CoolPrevent AB. The new products expand PolarCool's market where the new HeadCap application enables the treatment of whiplash injuries but also in the area of ​​rehab.

Product development, done in collaboration between the companies, has for PolarCool included new design and new material of the current HeadCap. A major advantage of the new solution for PolarCool is, in addition to improved functionality, that the production cost per unit will be significantly lower compared with the current solution.

The development work has been successful and the results positive, which is why PolarCool has now, together with CoolPrevent, filed a patent application. The advantage will be a stronger patent that will not be application-specific but more generally applicable new material and manufacturing technology. Technically, CoolPrevent enters with the application, but in terms of resources and rights, the patent is shared by the companies.

PolarCool's CEO Erik Andersson comments;

-The work with a new HeadCap has now resulted in a new patent application and it feels very satisfying. Being able to obtain an improved function at a significantly lower production cost means that our new HeadCap makes our business model even more attractive. Together with CoolPrevent, we are now seeking patent protection for this innovation, which means synergies and cost savings for both companies.

-Even though PolarCool today focuses on acute treatment, we see great potential in rehab. The new design also enables the treatment of whiplash, which has been a prerequisite in this development work. The concept fits well into our future US investment and increases our competitiveness, not least in terms of price / cost.

BrainCools CEO Martin Waleij comments:

-The development work in the subsidiary is the basis for further improvements and strengthens patent protection within CoolPrevent's application for cooling hands and feet, but may also form the basis for further development for new areas in oncology. We see great potential in connecting other types of applications to the cooling system to treat oncology patients.

-The collaboration with PolarCool comes naturally as we can see similarities in our use and need for cost-effective disposable products, says acting CEO Christian Strand CoolPrevent AB

Bifogade filer

Press release PolarCool 2022.01.19 - PolarCool expands the market by investing in new cost-effective and patentable products together with CoolPreventhttps://mb.cision.com/Main/17612/3488802/1522346.pdf

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