Vitrolife completes the acquisition of Igenomix and carries out a non-cash consideration issue
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Vitrolife completes the acquisition of Igenomix and carries out a non-cash consideration issue

On July 8, 2021, Vitrolife AB (publ) (“Vitrolife”) entered into a definitive agreement to acquire 100% of the shares in Igenomix S.L.[1] (“Igenomix”) from EQT and other shareholders (the “Transaction”). The conditions for the Transaction, including regulatory approvals such as merger control clearances, have been fulfilled and the acquisition of Igenomix is consequently completed.

The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved on October 20, 2021 to approve the non-cash consideration issue in accordance with the Board’s proposal. The Extraordinary General Meeting revolved to issue in total 17,251,312 new shares. As a result of the consideration issue the total number of shares in Vitrolife has increased from 118,195,878 to 135,447,190. The consideration issue entails a dilution of approximately 13 percent. In accordance with the resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting, Vesa Koskinen will become a board member of Vitrolife AB.

Igenomix will be consolidated into Vitrolife’s financial statements as of December 1, 2021. To facilitate the consolidation, the report on operations 2021 will be postponed to February 16, 2022.

During the period January 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021, Igenomix revenue amounted to EUR 91.4 million (EUR 79.5 million excluding covid-19 related revenue). Adjusted EBITDA[2] during that period amounted to EUR 23.3 million.

For more information about the transaction, please refer to Vitrolife’s press release dated July 8, 2021. For more information about Igenomix, see

Gothenburg, November 30, 2021
Thomas Axelsson, CEO

[1] Mendel HoldCo S.L. and New Genetics S.L.

[2] Adjustments include transaction costs of EUR 9.9 million and other non-recurring costs of EUR 1.6 million.

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