Redeye has revised its near-term estimates and valuation following the Q4 report, which showed resilient sales and MRR despite a challenging...
Redeye shares its initial take on Kontigo Care’s Q4 2024 results, which showed sales and monthly recurring revenue (MRR) in line with expect...
Redeye has a positive view of Kontigo Care’s directed share issue of approximately SEK10.
Redeye reiterates its valuation following the Q3 2024 report, which showed slight positive deviations from expectations in absolute numbers.
Redeye shares its initial comments on Kontigo Care’s Q3 2024 results, which showed slight positive deviations from expectations in absolute ...
Redeye reiterates its valuation following the Q2 2024 report, which was stronger than our expectations overall.
Redeye concludes that the reported figures were overall stronger than we had forecasted.
Redeye is encouraged by the news that Kontigo Care is launching Previct Safety—a digital drug test specifically designed for the private mar...
Redeye reiterates its valuation following the Q1 2024 report.
Redeye concludes that the reported figures mainly were in line with our expectations.
Redeye holds a favourable view on Kontigo Care’s proposed, directed share issue of around SEK10.
Redeye has updated its estimates and valuation following Kontigo Care’s Q4’23 report.
Redeye gives its initial take on Kontigo Care’s Q4 2023 report, which came in slightly softer than we anticipated.
Redeye is encouraged by the news that Kontigo Care has reported positive outcomes from the two clinical studies regarding developing a new a...
Redeye is encouraged by the news that Kontigo Care has partnered strategically with its first corporate healthcare customer.
Redeye makes minimal estimate adjustments following the Q3’23 report, in which the reported figures were mainly in line with our estimates.
Redeye concludes that the figures in the Q3’23 report were mainly in line with our projections.
Redeye takes a positive stance regarding Kontigo Care’s proposed directed share issue of approximately SEK9m (before transaction costs).
Redeye comments on today’s news that Ulf Kindefält is stepping down as the company’s CEO and that the board has decided to appoint Ulrika Gi...
Redeye provides an update on Kontigo Care following its Q2 2023 report.
Redeye concludes that Kontigo Care’s Q2’23 report was slightly softer than expected.
Redeye expresses concern over the termination of the partnership between Kontigo Care and the Finnish distributor A-Klinika.
Redeye provides an update on Kontigo Care following its Q1 2023 report.
Redeye concludes that Kontigo Care’s Q1’23 report was slightly weaker than expected.
Redeye is excited to hear that Kontigo Care has signed an agreement with Region Uppsala to conduct a clinical study for mobile phone-based d...
Redeye is encouraged by the news that Kontigo Care has received approval to initiate its clinical study for mobile phone-based iris and pupi...
Redeye provides an update on Kontigo Care following its Q4 2022 report.
Redeye comments on Kontigo Cares Q4'22 report, in which Net Sales (SEK7.
Redeye sees that Kontigo Care’s Q3 report came in close to our estimates, showing top-line growth of c12% y/y.
Redeye provides its initial take on Kontigo Care’s Q3 2022 report, where sales came in at SEK7.
Redeye views today’s news from Kontigo Care as very positive; the technology developed by Kontigo Care to detect drug intake now has strong ...
Redeye comments on Kontigo Care’s Q2’22 report where sales came in slightly higher than we estimated.
Redeye maintains the valuation of Kontigo Care at SEK 12 per share.
Redeye initiates coverage on Kontigo Care with a base case of SEK 12 per share.