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After a period of steady increase in both European Idefirix sales and patient usage, Hansa records a softer Q4, with sales limited to SEK 25...
Imflifidase shows robust efficacy results in phase 2 among patients with severe GBS.
Hansa’s partner Genethon initiates a phase 2 study based on Imlifidase as a pre-treatment ahead of GNT-0003 in the ultra-rare indication of ...
Hansa delivers a healthy increase in patients using IDEFIRIX.
Almost a year after announcing positive high level results Hansa Biopharma provides additional supporting results from the Phase 1 study as ...
Hansa’s launch progress continues in Q2. The net sales include provisions reflecting an extended period of “true-up” relating to the effect ...
Hansa’s Q2 sales confirm a period of continuing progress.
Redeye updates its outlook on Hansa Biopharma, anticipating improved launch support during 2024 and pipeline progress over the next 12 month...
Hansa’s Q1 result includes a positive outlook in 2024 supported by additional countries and the Eurotransplant program.
Hansa Biopharma has announced a consecutive quarter with robust sales and the company has secured additional SEK 372m of growth capital on g...
Hansa’s preliminary Q1 result suggests that Idefirix records European product sales of SEK 48 (43m in Q4) in Q1.
Redeye updates its outlook on Hansa Biopharma, anticipating improved launch support during 2024 and supporting pipeline progress over the ne...
Hansa’s actual outcome after the trading outcome confirms that Idefirix records European product sales of SEK 43m in Q4.
Hansa delivers a positive surprise in Q4 as Idefirix records European product sales of SEK 43m in Q4, which compares with our expected SEK 2...
Imlifidase shows a superior ability reducing donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) in the phase 2 study involving 30 AMR patients compared with P...
Hansa adds positive 6m initial safety and early signs of efficacy in from the phase 2 GBS trial.
Dålig leverans i Q3 Hansas rapport för det tredje kvartalet innebar en svagare försäljning, men en lägre rörelseförlust än förväntat.
Redeye updates its outlook on Hansa Biopharma, anticipating gradual launch support during 2023 and supporting pipeline progress over the nex...
Hansa publishes strong results 5-year after a kidney transplant supported by Idefirix.
Försening i ConfIdes-studien Hansa kom under förra veckan med en bolagsuppdatering.
Hansa has provided a clinical update and top-line results ahead of the Q3 results.
Försäljning som förväntat – EBIT lägre Hansa levererade under torsdagen en stabil Q2-rapport.
Redeye updates its outlook on Hansa Biopharma anticipating gradual launch support during 2023 and supporting pipeline progress over the next...
Hansa delivers positive sales in Q2 and SEK 30m of product sales is the highest lever within a year.
Hansa has established a research and development collaboration with French Genenthon based on the candidate GNT-0003 which has recently ente...
Q1 - något svagare finansiellt Hansa levererade under torsdagen sin Q1-rapport.
Hansa’s Q1 is soft in terms of product sales. We expect 2023 recurring sales contributions to be squewed towards the second half.
Justerar kvartalsestimat Vi har gått igenom våra estimat och valt att göra vissa justeringar på kvartalsnivå för 2023.
Q4 rapport Hansas rapport för det fjärde kvartalet var i stora drag i linje med våra förväntningar.
Hansa's Q4 is slightly below our and the market's sales expectations and slightly better in terms of OPEX and operating cash flow.
Hansa has done a directed share issue adding SEK 420m in growth capital mainly supporting the US launch of Idifirix and to progress with an ...
Rapportkommentar Q3 Hansa släppte en Q3-rapport över våra förväntningar.
Idefirix accounts a relatively solid Q3 despite holiday interruptions.
Kvartalsestimat I denna analysuppdatering väljer vi att för första gången publicera estimat på kvartalsbasis.
Försäljning i linje med våra förväntningar Hansa presenterade under gårdagen sin rapport för det andra kvartalet.
Hansa Biopharma (Hansa) delivers another quarter with improved Idefirix European sales.
The news is welcome as the 50-patient European PAES study expands the European reference clinics and the study is also a requirement to adva...
Q1-rapporten Hansa släppte igår sin rapport för det första kvartalet 2022.
Idefirix has secured pricing and reimbursement in Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany, and on an individual hospital basis in Finland and Gr...
The German reimbursement agreement and expanding hospital financing support is distinctly positive.
Rapportkommentar Q4 2021 Nettoomsättningen för det fjärde kvartalet uppgick till 15,4 mkr (3,8), med ett rörelseresultat på -162,8 mkr (-106...
Inga större överraskningar Hansa släppte under torsdagen sin rapport för det tredje kvartalet.
Vi skär ned patientupptaget mellan 2021-2023 Hansa Biopharma presenterade nyligen på vår särläkemedelsdag.
Inga överraskningar Hansas rapport för det andra kvartalet innehöll inga större överraskningar.
Hansa’s European Ideflirix launch is well underway in the Nordics, Benelux, U.