Most popular companies - Q3

A summary of the top 15 most popular finnish companies on Pinpoint Estimates shows that Nordea is investors' favorite this reporting season.
Below is the top 15 list along with the number of quarterly estimates as of today.
Company (Number of Estimates)
1. Nordea (29)
2. Inderes (28)
3. Nokian Tyres (22)
4. Neste (22)
5. Valmet (22)
6. Harvia (18)
7. Scanfil (17)
8. Fortum (12)
9. Kamux (10)
10. Oma Säästöpankki (9)
11. Tokmanni (9)
12. Duell (9)
13. UPM-Kymmene (9)
14. Kesko (8)
15. Nokia (8)