The Most Popular Stocks Ahead of the Reporting Season
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The Most Popular Stocks Ahead of the Reporting Season

The Most Popular Stocks Ahead of the Reporting Season

A summary of the 15 most popular Finnish stocks on Pinpoint Estimates shows that Valmet is investors' top choice ahead of the reporting season.

Click the link at the bottom of the article to view Pinpoint's consensus for the Q4 reports. Below is the top 15 list along with the number of quarterly estimates as of today.

Company (Number of Estimates)

1.Tokmanni (33)
2.Valmet (32)
3.Neste (29)
4.Scanfil (22)
5.Nordea Bank (20)
6.Nokian Tyres (18)
7.Qt Group (14)
8.Puuilo (14)
9.Kalmar (13)
10.Harvia (13)
11.Incap (12)
12.Admicom (12)
13.Talenom (11)
14.Fodelia (10)
15.UPM-Kymmene (9)

Pinpoint Estimates is an open platform that compiles estimates from investors and analysts ahead of public companies' quarterly and annual reports. Contributors are verified and receive different weights in the consensus based on their historical accuracy.

