SciBase will present at the Redeye Medtech Event on April 24[th]
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SciBase will present at the Redeye Medtech Event on April 24[th]

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, - April 23, 2024 - SciBase Holding AB ("SciBase") [STO: SCIB], a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders will participate at the Redeye Medtech event.

On April 24 at CET 9.50 CEO Pia Renaudin will present the latest developments in SciBase at Redeye. The presentation is live broadcasted and can be followed at where the replay and the presentations will be available afterwards.

For additional information, please contact:
Pia Renaudin, VD, tel. +46732069802, e-mail: [email protected]

Certified Advisor (CA):

Vator Securities

Tel: +46 8 580 065 99

Email: [email protected]

About SciBase:

SciBase is a global medical technology company, specializing in early detection and prevention in dermatology. SciBase develops and commercializes Nevisense, a unique point-of-care platform that combines AI (artificial intelligence) and advanced EIS technology to elevate diagnostic accuracy, ensuring proactive skin health management.

Our commitment is to minimize patient suffering, allowing clinicians to improve and save lives through timely detection and intervention and reduce healthcare costs.

Built on more than 20 years of research at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, SciBase is a leader in dermatological advancements.

The company has been on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market exchange since June 2, 2015. Learn more at All press releases and financial reports can be found here:

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