Resolution on record date for share split in Heimstaden - Börskollen
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Resolution on record date for share split in Heimstaden

The annual general meeting of Heimstaden AB (publ) on 8 April 2021 resolved on a split of all the company’s existing shares, whereby each existing share in the company is split into 10 shares of the same share series (share split 10:1). The Board has decided that the record date for the share split is 26 April 2021.

The last day of trading in the company’s shares before the share split is 22 April 2021. The first day of trading in the company’s shares after the share split is 23 April 2021. 

After the share split the number of shares in the company will amount to 132,040,000 ordinary shares and 23,437,500 preference shares. In total, the number of shares in the company after the share split will amount to 155,477,500.

Due to the share split the shares in the company will change ISIN codes from and including 23 April 2021. The new ISIN code for the preference share is SE0015949037.

The split of the company’s shares will be carried out automatically through Euroclear Sweden AB and shareholders do not need to take any action.

Shares received through the share split are expected to be registered on the shareholder’s VP account on 27 April 2021.

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Resolution on record date for share split

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