Fastpartner - ESG profile
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Fastpartner - ESG profile

Company activities Based on a decision in 2018, Fastpartner has now (May 2020) replaced all of its energy consumption from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. As a result, its CO2 emissions in ‘20 declined by 45% y-o-y. Its total energy consumption in ‘20 fell by 3. 3 kWh/m2 Atemp (the average p.

a. since ’16 is 4. 2).

To reach 80% environmentally certified buildings by ’25 (as measured by property value), Fastpartner targets an increase of 10% p. a. From a social perspective, the company has developed policies and routines for working conditions, health and safety, as well as efforts to combat corruption and bribes.

The company is certified by Great Place to Work, and achieved a 91% employee satisfaction score in 2020. Fastpartner supports a number of social engagement organisations, the largest being Fryshuset, a non-profit foundation that advocates development and change for young people throughout Sweden. Risks and opportunities The construction and real estate sector leaves carbon footprints through the entire value chain, including production of materials, building and managing properties.

Fastpartner refers to a report that states that the real estate sector accounts for 48% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Further, the consumption of renewable energy amounts to 10%. Buildings have an environmental impact and it is important for Fastpartner to minimise the impact by reducing consumption of energy, water and chemicals.

Other risks that the company is exposed to include social and governance issues such as health and safety, corruption and bribes. The company has the opportunity to impact the logistics industry by imposing sustainable requirements on suppliers and tenants.

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