Diös - ESG profile
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Diös - ESG profile

Company activities Diös directs its sustainability work into four focus areas: 1) Environment and climate, 2) Prosperous cities, 3) Fair business practices and 4) Committed employees. We observe that that 98% of the energy used in its properties is renewable, and 21% of its properties were environmentally certified by YE’20. Diös’ target is climate-neutral construction by 2030, driven by the certification of existing and all new properties. Safe and vibrant cities are created through a mix of offices, shops and leisure activities.

One concept Diös has developed is “C:nen”, a mixed retail and meeting place that offers entrepreneurs a temporary marketplace to market themselves and share ideas with others. Risks and opportunities The construction and real estate sector leaves carbon footprints through the entire value chain, including the production of materials, buildings and managing properties. Buildings have an environmental impact, and it is important for Diös to minimise this impact by reducing its consumption of energy, waste, water and chemicals.

Other risks that the company is exposed to are social and governance issues such as health and safety, ethical business conduct and transparency. The company has the opportunity to impact the entire value chain of the sector by imposing sustainable requirements on suppliers and tenants.

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