Eltel - ESG profile
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Eltel - ESG profile

Risk and opportunities The main ESG-related risks for Eltel are within Social (S). Specifically, the company’s employees encounter high-risk activities in their day-to-day operations, including handling high-voltage networks and ageing infrastructure, working at heights, and spending a lot of time on the road. In contrast, we deem the main opportunities to be within Environment (E). The increasing share of renewable energy (and industries utilising it) puts pressure on the current power distribution grids.

Consequently, the need for service, maintenance and upgrades increases. In addition, renewable energy production is often unplannable, creating a need for smart grids and energy storage. Both are beneficial for Eltel, which is the Nordic market leader within Infranets.

ESG activities Eltel is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The company reports its climate change impact in accordance with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). With better production planning and implementation of digital route planning systems, Eltel has made a considerable reduction in its CO2 emissions.

We also note that the company has made improvements in gender equality, with the share of women in management and on the board more than doubling since 2018. Lastly, Eltel has worked proactively with employee health and safety, with long-term injuries per million hours worked declining from seven in 2018 to just below five in 2020.

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